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Just So Stories
About the Author
About the Author - Rudyard Kipling
Just So Stories
How the Whale Got his Throat
How the Whale got its Throat (6:46)
How The Camel Got his Hump
How the Camel Got his Hump (6:44)
How the Rhinoceros Got his Skin
How the Rhinoceros Got his Skin (5:59)
How the Leopard Got his Spots
How the Leopard Got his Spots (14:00)
The Elephant Child
The Elephant Child (20:14)
The Sing-Song of Old Kangaroo
The Sing-Song of Old Kangaroo (8:04)
The Beginning of the Armadillos
The Beginning of the Armadillos (7:41)
The Beginning of the Armadillos Pt 2 (10:14)
How the First Letter was Written
How the First Letter was Written (23:12)
How the Alphabet was Made
How the Alphabet was Made Pt 1 (9:28)
How the Alphabet was Made Pt2 (14:47)
The Crab that Played with the Sea
The Crab that Played with the Sea Pt 1 (10:24)
The Crab that Played with the Sea Part 2 (12:26)
The Cat that Walked by Himself
The Cat that Walked by Himself (29:17)
The Butterfly that Stamped
The Butterfly that Stamped (13:04)
The Butterfly that Stamped Pt 2 (11:21)
The Elephant Child
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